Saturday, June 25, 2016

Nacho's Blessing

I was shaken awake this morning amidst a fabulous puppy dream that was making my legs kick, and my whiskers twitch. Anyway, I took a quick dip in the pool, and hopped in the car with Dad, and the whole gang. I had no idea what was happening, but I knew it was something special, cuz Dad was in long pants for a change, and no baseball hat!

We pulled into the Casa Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, and walked around the wonderful grounds for a while...It was avery early, but beautiful sunny, warm morning, and I saw lots of rabbits, birds and a lizard.

There was lots of statues of Saint Francis, and Saint Clare, and some murals and frescoes that were colorful and fun to look at. But the new smells kept me really busy.

There were lots of people relaxing, reading and thinking about stuff on park benches around the property, and I could see mountains all over, through the big trees.

I rolled around in the wet green grass, and had a nice long drink of water, cuz I was panting, I guess. Ya really gotta watch your hydration out here in the desert!

So we're walking around the corner, and I see this guy walking toward us, dressed in a long brown robe...

...his name was Father Peter.

Father Peter stopped by the statue of Saint Francis, and he blessed me, and said a nice prayer for a long and happy life for me and my family. That was really cool!

He even let me drink some holy water!  ...then we all went to brunch with Grandma and Grandpa! 

It was a really special morning!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Cocktails with Grandpa and Grandpa

Dad came by to have a drink with Grandpa and Grandma at the house by the mountains, and all I wanted to do was play fetch! So I dropped Dad a little hint...right into his Bourbon!

I love hangin out here! Their house is so awesome, and the saltillo tile floors feel good on my belly!! I stared at a picture of Ringo for a while...he was a real handsome Golden Retriever...everybody misses him. I wish I could have met him in person.

I love playin fetch with Grandma Marge...shes a real tease!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Record Temps!

Wow! The thermometer has been off the chain this week! Napping indoors in the daytime with Grandpa and Grandma, and swimming in the pool with my new pals keeps me cool! Havin a blast in the desert!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Triple Digits

Triple Digits

Sure is hot here. Now I know what the dry heat is all about and I dont mind it. 

Played fetch with Dad in the park this morning. Woke him up at dawn, which didnt go over too well. 

Had a big breakfast with my new friends, swam a little in the pool, and played tug o war with Gunner. 

He didnt take a shine to me right away, but now were bestest buds!

I hear theres a big surprise for me some time next week...

Stay tuned.




am having sooooo much fun with my new Arizona pals! Its hot here like in Florida but no humidity. We run around the pool and play keep away, and tonight were goin swimmin!

Miss my doggy park pals. Hope all is good in da hood!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Safe in AZ!!

Yay!!! We made it...

...and we celebrated in style. 

Whew! Dads jeep smells like onions.

Las Cruces, NM

Funny, I dont feel enchanted.

Howdy from Texas Hill Country

Left San Antonio this morning after breakfast and a brisk walk.

I love looking out the window at the green hills and valleys that go on forever!!

The only bummer is that the scenery is blurry cuz Dad is driving 80mph! (Dont worry Mom...thats the speed limit out here.) How do I know? 

Cuz a Texas Trooper came up behind us with his lights on, and siren blasting...but he zoomed past us. 

Dad nearly crapped his pants!

Next stop, New Mexico...hmmm, I wonder what was wrong with the old one.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Howdy Yall!!

Yup, reckon we made it to Texas, pardners! The veritable bevy of pickemup trucks was the dead giveaway, but so was the bright orange beacon if the first Whataburger peeking over the horizon.

After a quick snack, hydration and a long pee, and its back on the road to ol San Antone!

More manana!

Alabammy and Ms. Sippy

Blowing through Alabama an Mississippi.
Everyone smiles and asks if Im a Lab.

Found a big Hippy Mobile near Mobile, AL. 

Now its off to the long haul across Louzianna...and we'll keep goin till we're deep in the heart of Texas. Maybe we will make it as far as my Moms home stomp, Houston...stay tuned!!


Stopin for gassee in Tallahassee

We pulled out of the hood at 4 AM. Watched the sun come up at 7 AM as we merged onto Highway 10 heading west. Found a nice spot for breakfast and a Pee break along the way, just outside of Tallahassee. Stay tuned! By the way, where am I???

Sunday, June 12, 2016


118º in Phoenix next week? WHAT??
Hey, it's about that time! We're all packed, locked and loaded for the road.

To all my pals in the hood, sorry I haven't been at the bark park lately...we've been a little busy getting ready for the trip, and tying up some loose ends.

We just got a peek at the weather report in the Phoenix area next week, and Holy Schnikies!...are you kidding me? It's supposed to be 118º next Monday...WHAT??!!

Oh, but it's a "dry heat."...WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? I guess it beats floating away in the floods here in Florida.

Stay tuned for some shoutouts from the road!

Keep us in your thoughts for safe travels.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Who is Hangin Back in the Hood??

The Bark Park in my hood at Lakewood Ranch
I have never been away from my friends at our neighborhood Bark Park in Lakewood Ranch, FL for much longer than just a few days. This time, I'll be touring like a rock star, on the road for the better part of June, and all the way through the Fourth of July!  Who are my homies gonna chase and wrestle with while Im gone? Who is gonna splash them all soaking wet at the drinking fountain? Im sure all my pals will miss me just as much as Im gonna miss them. Dont forget me guys! I promise to, blog.

Regan (aka: ChainSaw)
Cooper (aka: Koopah!)


Phyllis Diller

Friday, June 3, 2016

My Custom Crow's Nest

Good thing Dad is quite the handyman. As you know, I am a growing boy, and the passenger seat in the 2014 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk that I will be riding in is getting a little cramped. Dad would NEVER hear of making me ride in the rear with the gear! So, we devised a solution that seems to work pretty well. Check out the before and after pics, post a response and let me know what you think !

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Speak, Nacho!

You call THIS a swimming pool?
Hi. I'm Nacho.

That's my name, don't wear it out like my Dad does. I GET IT...OK?!

They say I'm a lab mix, but when it comes to the water, I'm ALL LAB!

Throw something bright, squishy and buoyant out into the lake or the bay, and I'm all over it!

I even swim in the drinking fountain at my neighborhood Bark Park! I don't get very far, but I get soaked, and THAT is what really matters.

I keep hearing about these great swimming pools out in Arizona...and though my English is a little rusty, (gimme a break, I'm only 9 months old!) they sound like a lot of fun. I hope they're a little bigger than the pool in our back yard. But I digress...for the time being, at least until we get to Scottsdale, I'll take whatever I can get.