Thursday, January 31, 2019


Once again, Dad and I are hitting the road. It's a one-way ticket to Arizona this time. A new life and new adventures await in the desert, but we gotta get there first! Pulling out Friday morning at the crack of dawn bound for our first stop: Baton Rouge, LA—Population: 225, 374...Saaaaaalute!
I said goodbye to all my dogpark friends, and got to splish-splash in the k9 Guzzler fountain one last time...awesummmmm!

Soooo, last time we made a beeline for TX in one day...this time, we are taking our own sweet time. Mostly because Dad is hauling a big trailer behind the Grand Cherokee. "On the road again...Sing it Willie!"

Thank you to all of our friends and family who are keeping us in your thoughts and praying for our safe journey. We will keep ya posted along the way. Who knows what we will see, or who we will meet along the way. STAY TUNED!