Saturday, July 9, 2016

The LONG drive home.

We were out the door at 4am, leaving Aunt Su and Uncle Heffie's place in Austin. LoneStar barked from their room and said 'Adios'. Lexi was in the bushes waiting to see us off.

It seemed like forever but we finally saw the sun come up in Houston, then we gassed up at Buc-ees...the biggest gas station Ive ever seen.

I posed with Buc-ee the Beaver after a pee on his lawn. 

Once in Louisiana, Dad realized that he left my food in Texas...OH NOOOOO! What am I gonna eat??

Um, yech, no thanks. That kid looks like hes about to yack!

Before we knew it, we were passing over the great Mississippi River. Wont be long now!

OMG...are we there yet? This is getting old. Can I drive for a while??

After nearly 20 hours on the road, we finally made it home, safe and sound! 

Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts and supportive texts and emails during my adventure out West! We had a blast!!!

See y'all at the Bark Park at 4p.

                -Nacho Muchacho

Friday, July 8, 2016

Good day Austin!

Whew! Its pretty hot here in Texas too. I met a new friend last night, and we became buddies right away. He barks with a long Texas drawl, y'all. His name is LoneStar.

We slept in a little bit this morning. And then went for a nice long hike through Mary Searight park with Uncle Heffie.

After breakfast and a long nap we went to the Crown and Anchor Pub to meet Dads friend and Sailing buddy, Brett for a pint or three. I just had water.

After that, dad surprised me with a nice long walk down Colorado Avenue near U.T., Moms alma mader. Then I got to poop on the lawn at the state capitol.

I met two nice groups of students who were on a scavenger hunt. They needed a photo of a live animal. So, since Dad is camera shy, I decided to pose for them instead. 

It was a great day.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Back on the Blacktop

Up with the chickens this morning. I guess I was havin lots of puppy dreams in my sleep. Dad said my legs were kickin all night. It was like sleeping with a sewing machine, he said.

We watched the sun come up over the chiricaua hills at about 540 am. Saw Picacho Peak and the boneyard full of old planes near Tucson on our way to New Mexico.

Stopped for gas in Lordsburg, NM and found this really cool old truck. I had to get a ride in the back. Dad couldnt get it started.

I had my lunch in a real tipi on the side of the highway once we got to Texas. The jeep seems to be doin ok.

Austin here we come!!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Oh noooooo!

Bad news folks!

Dads jeep is on the blink and had to go to the hospital over the 4th of July I guess we are stuck in Scottsdale till next week.

I cant begin to tell you how bummed I am about this...


Friday, July 1, 2016

Trippin in OLD TOWN Scottsdale

I was reportedly a "GOOD BOY" on Saturday morning during Father Peter's blessing, so Dad took me for a ride down to Old Town.

When we pulled up on Brown Street, I could see all the Indian art, horse statues, leather goods, and even an old Spanish Mission. I felt like a real honest to goodness cowboy!

The Indian standing guard on the sidewalk wasn't too talkative, but I didn't take it personally.

The blacktop was so hot that Dad had to carry me to the shade of the covered porticos that ran along the storefronts, so the hot desert sun didn't scorch my toes.

We walked into a store, and a nice man with a big smile greeted me with pats on the head. He said some nice things to me in Spanish, and measured my neck..."what is he doing??"

It turned out that my new friend, Marcello was a very talented leather artisan, and was sizing me up for a special souvenir to commemorate my first trip to the Southwest.

It was a perfect fit!

I can't wait to show off my new collar to my friends back in Florida at the Bark Park!

By the way, I guess we're leaving for Austin, TX on Sunday morning...then heading home on Tuesday, the 5th.

Desert Horizon Park

Lucky Me!

Right up the road from my temporary Scottsdale digs is a huge park where I can run, and long as I stay on my leash.

Since I've been swimming so much, Dad took me on a long walk this morning. This time, he didn't have to carry me over the hot sidewalk to get to the grass to keep my toes from burnin. It was nice and cool, cuz we got lots of rain last night!

There's lots of grass to roll around in, and lots of doves and quail to chase! I even sniffed out a couple of prairie dogs! By the way, WHY do they call them prairie dogs?

I really like running up and down the stairs on the huge jungle gym...over, and over again...

Whew! I'm pooped!

The best thing about Desert Horizon Park is all the nice people, and awesome dogs that I have Pearl. She kinda looks familiar. I wonder if she's related to my wrestling buddy, Cooper back in Florida?